This past Friday was Puppet Show day in all three of the elementary libraries. At each school we read the book,
The Marshmallow Incident by Judi Barrett, and the puppets acted it out. It was an interactive puppet show as marshmallows were thrown at the audience--the screams of excitement made cleaning up all the marshmallows worth it!
You can see the Knight (with the orange head) in the picture above. He likes to recite poetry.
After the book, we showed a video about marshmallows and science and had the students predict if the texture, size, temperature and color would change if we placed a marshmallow in the microwave, a bowl of water, and the freezer.
It was so much fun to see the students excited about the puppets and to see them participate as scientists in our marshmallow experiment. Puppets, marshmallows, science and even some poetry in the library on this Friday!